Hiring a nanny: Topics you need to discuss with your nanny

You have found a great childminder. In order to ensure it runs smoothly here are our top tips of what you should discuss with your nanny before the role commences.

Role of Childminder/nanny

  1. Duties: what do you expect your nanny / childminder to do? Tasks such as laundry, preparing children’s meals, school collections, organising activities and playdates as well as caring first and foremost for the children.
  2. Regular schedule: discuss the children’s normal routine, making sure to inform them of the locations of schools, clubs, friends, and relatives and providing them with necessary contacts.
  3. The ethos of the family: it is important to discuss topics such as your views on child-rearing and discipline so the nanny/childminder can implement them into his/her time with your children.
  4. Normal working hours: need to be agreed and how he/she will be notified and compensated if overtime is ever required.
  5. Meals: provide recipes and ideas of what your children like to eat on a regular basis so your nanny/childminder can provide appropriate meals and snacks.



  1. Rate of pay:  agree on an hourly rate or weekly/monthly salary for your nanny/childminder, don’t forget to consider taxes. It is always best to speak about salary in terms of Gross pay.
  2. Contract of employment: should be provided between you and your new employee. That way, everything is written down so you will have a proper agreement in place.
  3. Bank holidays: if required to work a Bank Holiday, they should be given adequate notice and compensated with either a day off in lieu or standard payment of time and a half.
  4. Payment of salary: when discussing the salary, make arrangements regarding how often it will be paid and how they will receive payment such as directly their bank account, cheque, cash, etc.
  5. Holidays: all employees are entitled to four weeks paid holidays per year plus Bank holidays. It is reasonable to ask your nanny/childminder to arrange two to three weeks’ holidays during your own family holidays. Everything else should be discussed and prearranged with as much notice as possible between both parties.
  6. Babysitting: if you require your nanny/childminder to babysit on occasion or work extra days, agree a notice period for this beforehand.
  7. Weekly check-in: it is a good idea to set aside a time every week to chat about your children’s weekly activities, behaviour, issues, schedules, and upcoming days off/holidays, etc.
  8. Travelling: if you require your nanny/childminder to travel with you on holidays, make sure to give them adequate notice especially if they need to update their passport or Visa. All travel expenses should be covered by you.
  9. Own car: if a nanny/childminder is required to use their own car, discuss how you will compensate them for petrol money. For more information visit revenue.ie here


By SureSitter